Moving your data from one laptop to another doesn't have to be a huge headache - there are several methods for quickly transferring digital data. The number and size of the files you're wanting moved, the types of laptops you are transferring between, and your own technical confidence will help determine which method is the best fit for you.
Method 1
Method 1 of 7:
Setting Up an SMB Transfer

Ensure both computers are on same network. A Server Message Block (SMB) is a protocol (set of rules) for transferring files between computers over the internet. The laptops can be either PCs or Macs (or a combination) for this method to work. This is the easiest and fastest method for large scale file transfer between laptops.
Use only a secure connection - don't try this over a public network.
Make sure to password-protect your user profiles on both computers for extra security.
Your server laptop is the one with the files, the client laptop is the one you want to transfer the files to.

Set up your server laptop. The server computer is the one currently holding the files you want to transfer. You'll need to change the network settings by designating a workgroup name. This workgroup will act like a conference room where your two computers will meet. The name for the workgroup can be anything you decide.
In Windows OS, choose a workgroup name through "computer domain and workgroup settings". Applying this change will trigger a restart for your PC.